Draußen daheim
Potentiale entdecken & stärken
Abenteuer fürs Leben
Outdoor-Trainings auf höchstem Niveau
Become a sponsor/partner With your help we can change lifes of young people for the better


About us

For over 65 years, OUTWARD BOUND has been a partner of schools, businesses, corporations, post-secondary education and social institutions, offering a multi-faceted programme of exhilarating outdoor education courses and skills development training.
Our extensive work with young people and professionals empowers them to explore and achieve their potential. Our curriculum encompasses specific and process-oriented seminar concepts, in addition to outdoor wilderness-related sports activities, assigned tasks, meaningful challenges, and the implementation of a targeted transfer moderation and reflection. Your experiences at OUTWARD BOUND will extend beyond the course itself and positively impact your everyday life. Our competent and experienced team looks forward to assisting you!

Aktuelle News

Ausbildungsangebote innerhalb unserer Academy
Die OUTWARD BOUND Academy bietet drei Fort- und Weiterbildungen "Erlebnispädagogik-Kompakt", "Erlebnispädagogik-Intensiv" und "Natur- und Erlebnistherapie" sowie unterschiedlichste einzeln buchbare Fachlehrgänge an. Alle zwei Monate gibt es eine kostenlose Zoom-Infoveranstaltung zu den Angeboten der Academy! Mehr Infos findet ihr hier.

Offene Stellenangebote
Aktuell sind wir in den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen noch auf der Suche nach Unterstützung. Schaut doch mal unter Über uns/Jobs rein ob was für euch dabei ist.

Alle weiteren Neuigkeiten aus der Welt von OUTWARD BOUND findet ihr auch auf unserer Website unter News oder auch auf unseren Social Media Kanälen auf Facebook, Instagram oder You Tube. Zudem kannst du dich hier auch gerne für unseren regelmäßg erscheinenden Newsletter anmelden um stets auf dem Laufendem zu bleiben.

Thats what our customers say:

We have two varieties of students: those who were not with you are a little bit afraid of the challenges - and everyone who has been here wants to come again.

Teacher of AB Stetten, July 2016

Thats what our customers say:

…With a kind, open staff, wonderful ideas, activities and equipment, OUTWARD BOUND adds up to a truly unique and amazing experience…

Caroline, International School, Basel

Thats what our customers say:

What the young people experience here shapes their lasting and positive, in favor of the company but also for your own personality!

Jörg Götzinger, Oswald Elektromotoren

Thats what our customers say:


If only a part of it still works in the next school year, we created a small miracle! But WE have to be YOUR name! At this point again a huge Thank you for everything!

Michael Nentwig, teacher from Plön

Holistic learning with hand, heart and mind

  • We are the pioneers of experiential education and outdoor training with more than 6000 participants per year
  • We comply with national and international safety standards and work exclusively with pedagogically and professionally qualified trainers.
  • We are committed to a wide variety of social and environmental projects, including within your course.
  • We adapt the seminars individually and process-oriented to the needs of the customer and the participants.
  • We operate throughout Germany in the most beautiful natural landscapes and have our own educational centers with up to 100 beds.
  • With our concept, we are successfully represented in over 35 countries worldwide.

Our way of working

Challenge: We provoke a step out of the comfort zone. The participants have the opportunity to face their mental and physical limits and are supported in growing beyond themselves.

Our way of working

Group self-control: "You are the crew and not the passengers!" Our participants are active designers of the results. Our Values ​​Endurance, diligence & responsibility, human compassion and initiative are clearly evident.

Our way of working

Immediacy & authenticity: Deliberately chosen, prepared and accompanied, the actions in nature are associated with real responsibility and real consequences.

Our way of working

Transfer to everyday life: Through joint reflections of the experience and the transfer of transferable models, we facilitate a transfer beyond our seminars into the everyday life of the participants.

Unsere Arbeitsweise

Transfer in den Alltag: Durch gemeinsame Reflexionen des Erlebten und die Vermittlung von übertragbaren Modellen, ermöglichen wir einen Transfer über unsere Seminare hinaus in den Alltag der Teilnehmer*innen.