Outward Bound Germany


We support your child!

We have been working with young people as a recognized educational institution since 1956.

We would like to support your daughter / son in

  • Getting to know yourself in many new situations
  • to take on more personal responsibility
  • Train reliability and
  • Taking the initiative.

We let “learning through experience”.

In our experiential education courses, we want to put young people in challenging and extraordinary situations to experience themselves and gain new insights about themselves and their group members. This creates opportunities for further development.

This is what your child will experience with us:

Your daughter / son can deal with their own values and goals, that is, with their own personality. We move as often as possible in nature and want to be in action with the environment (weather, fellow people, landscape).

Your child will also join classmates in tasks that may not be fun at first, such as following rules that may not be obvious to them right away. We try to tie in with everyday life by including life in the home in our program. The children and young people will support each other and do something for each other. They will wake each other up, set tables for dinner, and take care of the trash they create themselves.

In short, we want to apply pedagogical approaches, create new perspectives and talk to your children after the actions about how they perceive their interaction with each other, their learning behavior and their potentials, and then set goals and increase understanding of each other.

Wandererlebnis in Gebirgen und Hochland für Kinder, Jugendliche, Familien und Schulklassen.
Wandererlebnis in Gebirgen und Hochland für Kinder, Jugendliche, Familien und Schulklassen.
Wandererlebnis in Gebirgen und Hochland für Kinder, Jugendliche, Familien und Schulklassen.

Some important information about your children’s stay in one of our educational centers:

  • Time out from everyday media We want to offer your child a framework for free time without a PC or smartphone. With us, your child should have real experiences and encounters instead of using virtual games and contacts. That’s why it’s great if your child leaves electronic devices at home (cameras are allowed, of course!). For urgent issues, please feel free to contact the sites.
  • Give us necessary information about your child’s health In the self-report form you have the opportunity to give us detailed information about your child’s health, please use it! The trainer will receive the self-disclosure form on the day of arrival. If your daughter / son should have a long-standing or acute illness, please contact the location in advance! If we do not receive any further information from accompanying persons or you before the stay, we will assume that everything is in order.

If you are worried that your child will be overwhelmed with us, we can promise you: Your child decides for him/herself how far he/she wants to be tested and challenged! Our professionally trained coaches are always there for your child during the activities.

We want your child to come home with exciting adventures and great experiences, healthy and also proud of himself – and for this he will certainly achieve a lot with us!

Please feel free to contact us personally if something is unclear to you or if you are concerned about something specific!

Best regards, your team from OUTWARD BOUND


Our goal is to encourage the individual young person in his or her self-assessment, social competence and shared responsibility for the community and nature.