Outward Bound Germany


Over 65 years of experience, competence and innovation for in-company education and training

Customized programs for your top performers of tomorrow

Highly qualified, agile and motivated employees are the most important potential for success of future-oriented companies. With the individually designed seminars OUTWARD BOUND offers you the worldwide proven supplement for the transfer of expert knowledge in the company for 65 years!

OUTWARD BOUND uses nature and outdoor activities as a medium for education and personality development. In this way, the participants gain experiences through the elements used, which sustainably promote and challenge their development. A corresponding transfer moderation into the professional and personal everyday life of the trainees is of great importance in order to guarantee the sustainability of the experiences made.

How you benefit as a company

  • Increasing the willingness to communicate and cooperate
  • Effective retention of trainees in your company
  • Motivated trainees with self-confidence, initiative and an understanding of quality
  • Changed learning behavior, satisfied trainees and trainers
  • Increasing attractiveness as a training institution
  • Employees’ engagement with and identification with the values and goals of the company
  • Promotion of ecological and economic awareness
  • Deceleration and reduction of stress experience

How your trainees benefit

  • Examination and development of personal resources and potentials
  • Improving problem-solving and communication skills
  • Enhancement of presentation skills and project knowledge
  • Gaining valuable team experience in terms of roles and processes
  • Increased creativity and agility
  • Increasing the sense of responsibility, self-confidence and independence.
  • Proof of knowledge gained through a certificate of participation

…off to a successful professional future!

Our course formats

We offer courses in a variety of formats – and are very flexible to work with you to find exactly the format that fits your business, your goals and your trainees. Qualification across all apprenticeship years is also possible.

We will be happy to advise you!

Starter (1-3 days)

This short format is to be understood as a taster course. It is suitable as a kick-off event at the beginning of the training or as a stimulating social interim measure. The participants and supervisors have the opportunity to get to know not only the trainers and our philosophy, but also the experiential education equipment of our houses (climbing wall, high ropes course, terrain for cooperative games) and to go on a short hike (in any weather)!

Classic (4 – 6 days)

This type of course is recommended for groups that have time to engage in more challenging experiential education opportunities after a settling-in period. The goal is the personal development of the individual participants as well as the improvement of social cohesion (team building). The program is tailored to each group and its needs. A two- or three-day expedition into the alpine terrain with exciting mountain tours, overnight stays in a bivouac/igloo or in a self-catering hut is usually part of the program.

Master (7-14 days)

This format is recommended for lasting personal and social experiences for trainees. It offers time and space for the development of team processes, for the clarification of conflicts in the group, for intensive nature experience in the mountains and for an intensive reappraisal of all these experiences in terms of securing results and transfer to the workplace.

Self- & social competence

Our goal is to encourage the individual young person in his or her self-assessment, social competence and shared responsibility for the community and nature.