Outward Bound Germany


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Experiential Education Intensive

[zertifizierte Ausbildung zum/zur Erlebnispädagog*in]

Phone: 08362 98220

Mail: info@outwardbound.de



The holistic, action-oriented training comprises 29 course days and offers individual design options.

As early as 1993, the first experiential education training (ZAB) on the German-speaking market, made by OUTWARD BOUND Germany, was very well received. Today, the many years of experience are combined with new impulses, a dedicated teaching team and high safety standards. This hands-on training emphasizes climate-conscious, sustainable programming. As participants, you will learn about the possible applications of experiential education in a professional context, gain a lot of experience with a wide variety of experiential education media, and gain practical experience in guiding a wide variety of activities in nature and reflection.

Experiential education is a well-established and constantly growing and developing professional field. There is a wide spectrum for the use of experiential education methods – travel projects in youth welfare, class trips, vocational integration measures or the promotion of trainees and young executives are just a few examples. Many companies are convinced of the effect and integrate experiential education modules into their vocational training or use outdoor training for team and personnel development.

Wandererlebnis in Gebirgen und Hochland für Kinder, Jugendliche, Familien und Schulklassen.
Wandererlebnis in Gebirgen und Hochland für Kinder, Jugendliche, Familien und Schulklassen.
Wandererlebnis in Gebirgen und Hochland für Kinder, Jugendliche, Familien und Schulklassen.

The training is suitable for…

…nature-loving people who are interested in experiential education and are enthusiastic about promoting, accompanying and supporting people in their development in a holistic and action-oriented way.

  • Employees in social work who would also like to work in experiential education
  • Teachers in the education sector who would like to integrate experiential education impulses in their teaching activities
  • Trainers from companies who are looking for additional tools for their toolbox of methods
  • People who want to work as a freelance trainer or who want to reorient themselves professionally.

Participation requires good physical condition and normal mental resilience, as well as a willingness to self-reflection, openness to new things and a minimum age of 21.

What you can expect within the training:

  • Training by experienced OUTWARD BOUND trainers who are qualified in pedagogy and sports.
  • An intensive and mindful self-awareness in the field of action nature
  • Getting to know, trying out and deepening a variety of action-oriented methods
  • An appreciative view of human beings based on humanistic psychology
  • An international organization with a worldwide network and impulses from 35 countries
  • Variety in the range of specialized sports media, outdoor skills, and process design.
  • A mindful and sustainable approach in and with nature
  • An individual design of your training – according to your goals and needs!

The entire call for applications with all detailed information is available for download here.
You can also find a quick overview of our EP training here .

All necessary documents for registration can be found in our download area under the category OUTWARD BOUND Academy.

If you have any further questions about our training offers or would like to make an appointment by phone, please feel free to contact us by mail at info@outwardbound-academy.de. We look forward to hearing from you!


Our goal is to encourage the individual young person in his or her self-assessment, social competence and shared responsibility for the community and nature.