Outward Bound Germany


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Mail: info@outwardbound.de


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Zoom Info Event

If you are still looking for a suitable continuing education program, please register for our regular free information event via Zoom. Here you can find out all the important details about our further education courses “Experiential Education”, “EP Compact” and our specialized courses directly at first hand.

Registration by mail to info@outwardbound-academy.de
We are looking forward to seeing you!

Merry Christmas

We look back on the past year 2022 with great satisfaction! We would like to thank you very much for the trust you have placed in us and for the valuable and friendly cooperation. We wish you all a merry Christmas and a healthy, happy and satisfied year 2023!

Best regards, Your OUTWARD BOUND Team

LNT Trainer courses in autumn

We are pleased to be able to offer Leave No Trace trainings in Europe for the first time starting in the fall of 2021. Our team is currently being trained by instructors from the American Alpine Institute to become LNT Master Educators and can’t wait to pass on their newly acquired knowledge to those interested.

EP Introductory Course!

With a lot of fun and great motivation, the introductory course for the experiential education training of the OUTWARD BOUND Academy was also a complete success as a webinar! Many thanks to all participants for the great feedback and your open-minded participation. We are already looking forward to the next courses with you!

On April 23rd the next introductory course will start – currently there are still free places! We would be very happy to hear from you.

#outwardboundacademy #outwardboundgermany #experiential education #outdooreducation #stayoutdoors #naturelovers #stayhealthy

Experiential education training starts!

Start your experiential education training with OUTWARD BOUND Germany right away in the new year! There are currently still spaces available for the introductory course January 29-31, 2021. Tradition, innovation and sustainability are combined in this training. You can find more information here. If you are interested in any of our other training programs, just send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you.

Academy 3×3 Seminar Series

Many people are facing big challenges right now, each in their own way and with their own personal issues. What is helpful and beneficial during this time? What gives us support and security and what strengthens us?

Perseverance, human involvement, care, responsibility and initiative are important values that are lived and worked on in OUTWARD BOUND courses. They also help to see crises as opportunities and to master challenges constructively. A ship is Outward Bound when it is ready for the big sea. With our three-part course offer, we would like to support you in getting through the sometimes stormy seas well-equipped to then reach your destination strengthened.

Are you curious about something new, do you want to come out of these times stronger and put yourself in front of new experiences in and with nature? Then get in touch with us. You can find more info here.

Partnership Leave No Trace

“Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints”

An important sentence that always accompanies us in our work in and with nature. We are committed to protecting and preserving this place and bringing it closer to others. This topic should also receive more attention outside of World Environment Day. For this reason we are proud to announce that we are an official partner of the Leave No Trace organization(Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics).

Focus on experiential therapy

EXPERIENCE THERAPY, that is the subject of the current issue of the trade magazine e&l – experience and learn. Of course, we are particularly pleased to have contributed to this with our authors Sylke Iakone and Christine Mangold. By the way: Our training in the field of experiential therapy will start in November. Read more in the current e&l issue on pages 25 and 26 or on our website.

Newsletter spring 2020

From now on we will keep you up to date with our newsletter at regular intervals.
Here you can register for this one.

Already enjoy reading our recently published newsletter. Click here for the online version.

The Academy celebrates revival: New splendor and expanded offerings

Already in July 2020, the first courses of the new experiential education and outdoor guide training of the OUTWARD BOUND Academy will start. OUTWARD BOUND Germany thus continues its long-standing tradition in training and further education. Since the first OUTWARD BOUND experiential education training (ZAB) began almost 30 years ago, well over 1000 participants* have successfully completed the training with great satisfaction. Now you have the choice between the training as an outdoor guide with 22 course days and the experiential education training with a course length of 32 days. Furthermore, starting in November 2020, the experiential therapy training of OUTWARD BOUND Germany will be launched with great vigor and new impulses. You can look forward to an extensive holistic training program with qualified speakers. In addition to the three training courses, you can also book individual specialized courses such as climbing and rope elements, wilderness knowledge, canoeing and sea kayaking, or experiential learning projects.