Outward Bound Germany


For over 70 years, we have worked with children and young people in the world’s largest classroom and see it as our mission to support young people in their individual development. Our trainers work according to high quality standards and offer all participants unforgettable experiences in and with nature.

Help us:

High-quality work is associated with high costs, which we, as a non-profit organization, do not want to transfer completely to our participants. Invest in the future of our society with your donation in kind or money and help us to sustainably support children and young people in their personal development. With your donation you make a sustainable contribution to our work!

Wandererlebnis in Gebirgen und Hochland für Kinder, Jugendliche, Familien und Schulklassen.
Wandererlebnis in Gebirgen und Hochland für Kinder, Jugendliche, Familien und Schulklassen.
Wandererlebnis in Gebirgen und Hochland für Kinder, Jugendliche, Familien und Schulklassen.

Our donation account:

Recipient/account holder: Outward Bound Deutschland e.V. IBAN: DE26 7335 0000 0514 2860 53 BIC: BYLADEM1ALG Purpose: Free donation & address (donation receipt)

The information sheet on the subject of support and donations with all relevant information can be found here as

Download in PDF format

If you have any further questions about donating, we look forward to hearing from you.

Your contact persons:

Christine Mangold Phone: 0173/3895608 E-mail: christine.mangold@outwardbound.de

Manuel Wenzel Phone:08362/9822-29 E-mail: manuel.wenzel@outwardbound.de


Our goal is to encourage the individual young person in his or her self-assessment, social competence and shared responsibility for the community and nature.