Outward Bound Germany


Parent / guardian information

We’re glad you’ve chosen to learn more about us and how we accompany your child on its way.

As a recognised educational institution, we‘ve been working with young people since 1956 (our history).

Through „learning by doing“, we want to support your son / daughter in* enhancing his / her self-awareness in

  • dynamic situations,
  • taking on more responsibility,
  • exercising reliability,
  • and taking the initiative.

Our program confronts young people with challenging and extraordinary situations, in order to enhance their self-awareness and to offer them new insights about themselves and their group members. Your daughter / your son comes to terms with her / his own values and committments, thus getting the opportunity for further personal development. We strive to be on the way outdoors as much as possible, interacting with nature in each and every type of weather, landscape and fellow group members that the environment has to offer.

Wandererlebnis in Gebirgen und Hochland für Kinder, Jugendliche, Familien und Schulklassen.
Wandererlebnis in Gebirgen und Hochland für Kinder, Jugendliche, Familien und Schulklassen.

Experiences your child will get OUTWARD BOUND

Together with its classmates, your child will perform also some tasks that might at first appear mundane, their value not being immediately apparent – i.e. learning and following rules.

We try to build upon the everyday experiences of the students by including the in-house experience of living closely with others in our program. The young people will support and help each other.
They‘ll wake each other up, set the tables for meals, dry dishes and be responsible for collecting and disposing of the group’s garbage.

We use educational approaches in order to create new perspectives, and we also give feedback to your children about how their actions and behavior can show accountability to others. We want to talk with them about what they have learned and enable them to perceive their own potential – finally assisting them in setting their own goals for the future, and in promoting a deeper understanding of each other.

Are you worried?

If you’re worried that your daughter or son might feel somewhat overwhelmed, we can promise you this: the children determine themselves how much they‘ll attempt, and how much they want to be challenged! Our professionally trained staff will always be there for your child. We want your child to come home to you, brimming with tales of fantastic adventures and wonderful experiences, healthy and proud of what it has achieved during the stay with us! Please don’t hesitate to contact us personally, if you feel something is unclear, or you have specific concerns!

A daily break from media usage

Your child should have the chance to take a complete break from the use of daily media, such as PCs, smartphones and mobile phones. We encourage the creation of real experiences and encounters, instead of virtual games and contacts. We gently suggest that your child leaves all electronic devices at home (with the exception of cameras – they’re allowed!). A public telephone cell is just a two-minute walk away, and if you need to call in case of an emergency, please feel free to contact the location directly!

Please give us relevant information about your child

When you fill out the questionnaire sheet, please use this opportunity to share important medical information about the health of your child! The trainers and coaches will collect the information upon arrival. If your child should happen to have a long-term or acute illness, please notify us in advance! Unless we receive any further information from you or an accompanying adult prior to your child‘s stay, we assume that everything is fine.


Through outdoor sports and challenging project tasks, we motivate our participants to jump over their shadow and consciously experience themselves and your group in a new way.